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Here you get details about max99 and all kind of answer of your question which can be appear while you visit this site......

**~~~FAQ OF MAX99~~~**

what is max99?

max99 is an instant messenger which let you to interact with the people world wide via your mobile phones.
How to get max99?
You can simply download our recommended version of max99 from our official wap site
Caution: Beware for the fakes and non official Wap & Blogs.
What max99 offers?
max99, an instant messenger offers you a variety of chat rooms, playing games, browser, translation bots, audio player, animated emoticon, offline messages, status message, Voice messages other IM's & much more.

* What are other IM's in max99?
max99 offers you to connect with your other IM's as in MSN, Yahoo & It's Chat rooms, Gtalk, Nimbuzz & Jabbar. Go to Other IM setting in main menu, fill the required information & save them.
* How to "Join In" Yahoo chat rooms?
Assuming you have already logged into Yahoo account via max99. Go to "Rooms" page and select your desired Yahoo Chat room to join in, some of rooms are in list as you can see in above given snap.
* How to "Join" Yahoo chat rooms manually?
Merely you may Join any Yahoo Chat room manually, simply open room "Menu" then "JOIN" and enter you desired Yahoo room name to join in. Such as Art Chat, Fashion, Models and so on.
* What is Captcha Code?
To help cut down on spam and bots, you'll be asked to verify your account before entering a chat room. Simply verify the code and enjoy the room.

What Playing Games max99 offer?
max99 invites you to play variety of games with your friends, partners & contacts. The games include Kicking battle, Math bot and many more.

* How to do Setup for kicking battle?
You need to register 12 ID(s) with following format.. max1, max2, max3 and so on. The ID(s) with "01, 02, 03" will not entertain. Assuring your ID(s) registered according to format go to (Rooms) menu and select (Play Room Setup). Simply put your first ID in blank e.g. max1 & put the required password. Now the time to save and log in multi.
Caution: You are not to register any type of vulgar ID(s) or we will ban those ID(s) immediately.
* How to use Mutli ID(s) in Play room?
Assuming you have logged in your multi ID(s) with the proper method mention above. Join the desired Play room e.g. JAVA, HELL, Death or others. Simply press "bring multi" to call your ID(s), to leave your by pressing "leave multi", to kick your enemy ID(s) use "multi kick"
Caution: You are not flood in play rooms to annoy others or max99 team will show zero tolerance to take action against you.
* What is Math bot?
Simply write a command in Play room (/math - without brackets) & you will have a (Math Question) to test your mathematics skills.

What is max99 browser?
max99 browser lets you to stay tuned with your twitter, face book, hi5, yahoo mail, msn mails, wikipedia and many more.
What is max99 audio player?
max99 audio play lets you to enjoy music while chatting. It can play all audio formats such as; mp3, wmv & amr.
What are max99 Translation bots?
There are four translation bots for now, which are of following.

* en2ar*bot* : This bot let you to translate your English words into Arabic.
* en2indo*bot* : This bot helps you to translate English into Indonesian language.
* indo2en*bot* : This bot can translate Indonesian language into English.
* en2ur*bot* : This bot let you change your English language into Urdu.

Simply add the following bots and enjoy. Don't add en2indo, indo2en, en2ur or en2ar. The proper format is en2indo*bot*, indo2en*bot*, en2ar*bot* and en2ur*bot*.
How to use Animated emoticons?
Assuming you are in main menu open "setting" mark the "Use Animated Emoticons" and save it. You may disable your animated smileys by un-mark the option - Use Animated Emoticons" , In case it make your phone much heavy.
How to send/receive Offline Message to a friend?
Simply select the desired ID and press selection key, so that you will have "Send Offline Message". Click on "Offline message" in main menu to check your received messages.
How to set Private Window setting?
Open the setting from main menu, there you will have "PVT Chat Limit" and "Set Private Chat reject Text"

* PVT Chat Limit: This is to set the private windows limit, as you wanna chat with only two friends then put 2 and save. Enter 0 (Zero) for unlimited privates windows.
* Set Private Chat reject Text: You may enter the text to let others know what are you busy for and why you are on limited chat windows.

How to change Theme colour?
Go to setting in main menu, click on "setting" and you will have five pink, purple, blue, orange & green. Simply select your desired theme and save it.
How to change E-mail address for forget details?
Open "My account" from main menu and select "Change Email Address" option. Enter your NEW Email ID and update.
How to get Forget Details?
Assuming you are in Log in menu select forget details, Submit your ID and send it. You will have your details at your Email address.
How to Edit Profile?
Open your Profile from main menu by "My Profile" and click on Edit button. Enter your following details and update.
How to upload Profile Photo?
Simply go to our wap site "" and click on "Upload Profile Picture". Browse the desired picture&enter the required information then submit.
Caution: Beware for fake site, this can only done by official Wap site only.
How to do manual Private?
Assuming you are in main page open the menu, more and Private Chat. Put your desired ID and click on Private, it'll open a private window for you.
How to send/Receive Voice message?
Open the private window of your friend (to whom you want to send voice message) and select "Send Voice Message". You will able to record you voice and it will be sent automatically.
Same way you will have option to "Open Voice message, Save Voice message and go back. To listen select - open voice message, to save select - save voice message & press - go back to leave this menu.
How to send/receive Photo?
Assuming you have opened a private window with your friend, click on - Send Picture. Open your mobile directories and select your desired picture (which you want to send).
Whenever your friend will send you a picture. You will have three options Open Picture, Save Picture and Go back. Simply select "open picture" to view the photo, Select "save picture" to save the photo in your mobile phone & press go back to leave the menu.
How to send gifts?
Assuming you have opened a private window of your contact (to whom you want to send gifts), simply write a command (/gift) "with brackets" browser will open gifts categories page for you select the desired gift to send.
Make sure you have sufficient max99 credit


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